the healing process

The First 4 Hours

Directly after your appointment, blot your eyebrows with a cotton round/tissue with no product/water every 45-60 minutes (this is really important).

Day of Appointment Before Bed

On the first night wash the brows and apply aftercare ointment once before bed. Use lukewarm water with a gentle cleanser (cetaphil or cerave only) and wash in the direction of the hair growth (typically outwards towards your temples)

Day one to five

Starting the day after your appointment, wash the tattooed area 3 times a day for dry/normal skin and 4-5 times a day for combo/oily skin for only 4-5 days

Use lukewarm water with a gentle cleanser (cetaphil or cerave) and wash in the direction of the hair growth.

Pat dry with a soft tissue or cotton round, and apply a rice grain amount of the aftercare provided to the brows everytime they are washed.

Keep the area clean and allow the skin to breathe for the best retention. Do not apply too much of the aftercare. These washing instructions are not just a suggestion, your brows will 100% not heal properly without proper aftercare. I will most definitely notice if aftercare is not followed, and you may be turned away from your perfecting session if I see you pose risk of not following aftercare as this can lead to an infection. Brows are 50% artists correct technique and 50% client care. This is an investment on your face, so please follow all aftercare thoroughly and please don’t hesitate to reach out.

What do i do when my brows begin to flake over?

Leave them alone completely. No washing, No aftercare ointment, don’t touch them, don’t pick at them, let them naturally flake off no matter how tempting it is to touch them.

What happens if my brows don’t flake?

This is best case scenario when healing, wash and aftercare for a full 7 days and then stop after day 7 if they are not flaking by then.

What you must avoid until finished flaking

  • Increased sweating, exercises, strenuous activity. Brow tattoo removal is done using saline, saline is what our sweat is made out of, so you just remove your tattoo by sweating during the first 7 days.

  • Getting your eyebrows wet outside of washing instructions. Yes, you can shower, but face away from the shower and crack the curtain if you like hot showers.

  • Tanning bed use at any point after having your brows tattooed will result in discoloration, and premature fading

  • Many UVA/UVB exposure will pose risk or discoloration. when brows are done flaking apply spf daily (I like the Cocokind one) Do not plan a vacation two weeks prior to or 4 weeks after. If you are on vacation two to four weeks prior to any appointment please shield yourself from the sun entirely with hats, umbrellas and SPF

  • DO NOT PICK at any possible scabbing or flaking. You will pull out the ink permanently. I will 100% know if you picked at your brows to speed up the healing process and your touch up appointment will be canceled for not following aftercare. If you accidentally brush off a flake its okay! just no picking.

  • Wash hands prior to washing brows, and wash your pillowcase to lower risk of infection.

  • Avoid Retinol, Retin-A, Vitamin A, Acids & Oils on your brows and forehead. These ingredients are amazing, but they have cellular communication so they will fade your brows prematurely.

  • No lotions, non gentle cleaner, or makeup should applied to the brows until they are done flaking

  • Do not sleep on your side, you will prematurely pull off the scabbing, pulling out the ink entirely causing your brows to heal more patchy and uneven.

  • Do not wear your hair over your brows, the natural oils from your hair will cause premature fading during the healing process.

Scheduling your touch up

You must reach out between week 2-3 after your appointment with clear photos of your healed brows. Most clients think they need a touch when in fact they dont.

You picked Cece as your artist because you admire how soft her brows heal to, she does not perform bold/makeup brows. If you are wanting a bold look you have picked the wrong artist. Cece strives on honoring the skins integrity as well as how the brows will age. Too much saturated pigment does not allow for fading over time therefore being stuck with bold dark brows unless a removal is done.

We want to keep the brows so natural that you still may have to apply makeup to them if you like a more dramatic look (this is a good thing)

This is your responsibility to text us photos of your healed brows in order to book a touch up. We will then decide if one you need one, and if you do then we will decide when we will book one between a window for 6 weeks and 6 months. Touch ups are only allowed to be scheduled on weekdays.