Have Previous Work?

Take a minute to read the info below before sending photos to us via email at bycece@icloud.com

Clients with previous brow tattoos may not be suitable candidates for a new brow service due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the possibility of residual pigment remaining from the previous tattoo, which can interfere with the final outcome of the new treatment. Additionally, scar tissue may have formed around the previous tattoo, making it more difficult to achieve a desired shape and color. The skin in the brow area may also be thinner and more sensitive after a previous tattoo, making it more prone to bleeding, scarring, or other complications during the new treatment. Therefore, it is important for clients with previous brow tattoos to consult with a qualified and experienced brow artist or technician to determine if a new brow service is suitable for their individual needs and goals.


  • If you answered yes. you will need a removal before you can have a coverup. Cece’s style is cohesive with a natural soft makeup look you can not cover up a brow tattoo that is unnatural with a natural brow without starting from practically ground zero (meaning they are practically faded to nothing like the examples above)

  • If you answered yes. you will need a removal before you can have a coverup. Cece’s style is cohesive with a natural soft makeup look you can not cover up a brow tattoo that is unnatural in the front/bulb with a natural looking front without starting from practically ground zero (meaning they are practically faded to nothing like the examples above)

  • If you answered yes. you might need a removal before you can have a coverup. When performing a brow correction Cece needs to be able to encapsulate the entire old tattoo into the new brow shape without any symmetrical discrepancies while maintaining a natural shape. If you find yourself using concealer to cover up your old tattoo removal is needed.

  • If you answered yes. you will need a removal before you can have a coverup. The old work needs to be removed before a complete new shape. Remember if you can’t encapsulate the old shape into the new shape you would two different tattoos.

  • If you answered no, you will need a removal before a coverup. You can not have high expectations for a perfect outcome without a perfect canvas.

  • If you answered yes, you will need a removal + very realistic expectation as scar tissue is no longer healthy tissue and can never go back to being healthy tissue even with scar revision surgery